Why does it take a long time for my back pain to go away? This is a very difficult question to ask as each and every condition is unique. Also, each patient has a unique healing quality. However, there are a few steps that can speed recovery for a low back pain incident. Some factors that can cause low back pain to be more difficult:
Have fun in life!
Protrusion of disc
Immune compromise
Nutritional deficiencies
Severity of accident
Work, psychological, and habit related stress
One factor that is addressed at our clinic that is ignored at many other back pain specialists is fascial and muscle involvement. Fascia is an outer layer to the muscle that is highly innervated for pain and proprioception. When a vertebrae is subluxated or has postural and functional deficits is causes muscles to improperly fire. Subluxation can be caused by both injury and poor habitus. This can cause both long-term and short-term muscle and fascial derangement. This means that the fascia develops fibrotic tissue related to the injury or poor habitus. This causes the muscles to lose the proper function. This also causes the subluxtion to further develop.
What does that mean? In a very simplified way it means that muscle and fascia problems can lead to a longer recovery to the pain you are feeling. So what can be done about the muscle and fascial derangement?
This is where instrument assisted muscle work or Graston work does wonders. This uses a metal tool to break up the muscle and fascial derangement to allow the muscles to heal in the proper way; therefore, allowing the adjustments to the spine to be much more effective. This means that the treatment plan can often be shortened! This means that you can get back to a fulfilling life without pain and discomfort!
There are mild side-effects such and bruising, short-termed muscle soreness, and possible pain during the procedure. Most patients feel like the work performed on them feel quite relieving during the process! The most important aspect of the work is to keep good communication with your doctor about how the work feels. Everyone handles the work differently, and our goal is to find your ideal plan.
This technique almost always speed up the healing process for our patients! This means that treatment plans are much quicker, therefore making room for new patients at our clinic more abundant. We can often get new patients into our clinic on the same day!
Conditions helped with this technique, but not limited to:
Auto injury
Neck pain
Midback pain
Low back pain
Shoulder pain
Elbow pain
Rotator cuff strain
Hip pain
Knee pain
Ankle pain
Ankle spain
Jaw pain
Wrist pain
Plantar fasciitis
Athletic injury
Carpel Tunnel and much more!!!
If you are having problems that don’t seem to be getting better please call our office to see if this technique can help you at 507-645-8000!
Is Chiropractic Care Right for You?
Chiropractic is effective in treating many conditions such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, and so much more!