Northfield Chiropractor Endorses Getting Involved

Now that the election is over we can stop being angry or joyous and look to what is really important. To me community outreach is what is really important. I am new to Northfield, and in just a short period of time my suspicions have been confirmed. There is a great culture of people getting involved, and it is very easy to get involved. My plea is for everyone to try to get involved.

My mission in coming to Northfield was to make my voluntary presence known. I happened to stumble upon a great porthole to service and that is the Northfield Rotary. This was amazing, because everyone who was in there was living the Rotary motto, “service above self”. This offered me the position to really talk with a bunch of folks who can help me direct my voluntary energies.

My first experience with volunteering came with the Feed My Starving Children campaign. This was an amazing machine that helped so many folks. I regret to find out that it will not be back this year, but holy cow did I have a ton of fun with that great group of people.

I also wanted to help out the local community a bit more, so I called the Northfield Senior Center. They had told me that they needed a volunteer to watch the pool on Sundays, and I quickly took that opportunity. I cannot tell you how many great people I have met! Every single person personally thanks me for being there every week. It really warms my heart. I even got to get my hands dirty trying to salvage the Laughing Loon Farm deal with the crippling Spring flood.

The Rotary also let me know about the Northfield food shelf. This allowed me to help people who are struggling get the food they need to survive. Again, I ran into a ton of wonderfully grateful people. The Rotary also got me involved with Habitat for Humanity, Cannon River Clean-up, and several other things like the Turkey Trot and the Jesse James Bike Tour that raise money for things like polio eradication, student exchange, and several other local and national charities.

I also joined the Northfield Young Professional s club(link). This allows young northfield professionals to meet every month to work on bettering the community. One of the first events that we sponsored was Thursday’s Table. This is also in Northfield’s Community Action Center. I cannot wait to do this again! I cannot tell you how much fun I had. We also bought gifts for Christmas for the less fortunate, donated money to the food shelf, and many other things to be done in the future. It is very nice to know that the future of Northfield giving is bright.

I am now trying to come up with more things to do in the city of Northfield. One thing that I am trying to do is to spread the idea health and wellness to the Northfield community. I have a blog that gives tidbits about healthy lifestyle changes , but I think that I can do more. I have given classes at the Northfield Community Center and Just Food Coop, but I think that I should try to reach a larger audience to really help people with healthy lifestyle choices. This is why I am now offering to give local businesses free health talks about any topic that they choose. The most important one is discussing how you can combat diabetes without using drugs or surgery. Health is one way to look at this presentation, but the bottom line is another way to look at this. Diabetes is a very costly disease, and if it can be prevented then companies stand to save a ton on healthcare. If you are interested in this class or some other class about health and wellness please call 507-645-8000.

In the end I would like to influence the community to do great things this coming season, and if you are doing great things please influence others to do the same. This coming season is very much wrapped up in consumerism and that is fine, but please do your best to spread the good cheer to others. I would also like to thank all of those wonderful people who give up so much time to help others!

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